Tuesday, September 4, 2007

pics from my last round in waveland, mississippi

our room in mississippi...the bed with the pirate flag is mine...they call me captain davy long hairs

our common area at Camp Salvage...which we came to call Camp Savage

the first house we worked on...i did the roof for this bad boy and you can see the natural progression of the house in the next picture where it has been weatherproofed and the siding has started to go up

siding the whole house usually takes a couple of days which involves a lot of measuring and levelling...siding is very easy to mess up on

more of the first house...we worked on this house about 2 weeks max before we started on the big boy...

the framing up for our prize build...the 2 story house...the first done by habitat in mississippi and i built it...ground up...

more of the framing...the 3 things you see on the top are ceiling joists...its what supports the floor of the second floor

after all the ceiling joists are up...we have to climb up and balance on them to start making the floors for the second floor...

me and jesse...a volunteer from kansas...she was so awesome

13-15 feet off the ground balancing on half foot wide beams making the floor systems...

scott and i MADE those roof rafters ourselves...we built that roof...we really did

the scranton girls...i must admit that when first hearing that we d be working with 20 high school girls...we werent too excited...but that turned out to be one of the best weeks...they were amazing...

me and stephanie...from scranton, PA...she was awesome and still is...

more of the lovely scranton girls...

the 2 story house lookin a little how it did towards the end...

my team and i with our amazing and awesome crew leaders...mistie, dan, stephen, and chris "casanova"...

thats me at the VERY top of the house nailing in some of the rafters so we can build that roof...

me and scott were the obvious badasses of our team...the habitat crew leaders always had me and scott doin a project on our own...they trusted us to do everything and it was really cool...

helping people out on the roof...

framing the second floor...

leann, me and chris in new orleans...

1 comment:

micchan said...

wow, great photos! looks like you had an amazing experience. good luck on your journey home!